Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cincinnati Biker Life To Interview Sonny Barger Hell's Angel

Sonny Barger will be interviewed on Cincinnati Biker Life this Thursday December 6, 2012, at 8:15 PM Yeh I'm talking about the Hell's Angel Sonny Barger. But my hope is that you will learn more about the man than just the Hell's Angel aspect of his life.

We are going to talk about his book Dead in 5 Hearbeats. I have an autographed copy. One of the coolest cover pages I have seen on a book.

More correctly we are going to talk about the movie that was made from the book. Filmmaker Jeff Santo, if I am correct, is or has put the final editing on the movie. (If the name is familiar his Daddy was Ron Santo Chicago cub allstar.)

So the interview is going to be focused on the writing of the book and the making of the film. So Sonny Barger the author. What a surprise to some. The biker community is full of surprises. They can be good ones if you get to know us.

I've talked at length to by good friend Jimmy Kay about Ralph Sonny Barger. Jimmy is embedded in the motorcycle community and knows more about the realities of the motorcycle community than just about anyone I know. He's the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back.

Jimmy is more thana bit smitten with Sonny Barger.  He tells me if Sonny says he will call the show that his word is his bond.  Jimmy talks about the autographed book he has from Sonny and the repect he has for him. If Jimmy says it's so, take it to the bank. Sonny apparently doesn't go out of his way to bother anybody. Why should he?

You can learn a lot about Sonny by going to his web site. You can also find the many books he has authored there and some cool merchandise. Sonny also has a facebook page and Jeff Santo has a youtube page that chronicles making the movie.

If you are inside the 275 outerbelt around cincinnati tune in to 88.3 FM But you can hear this interview anywhere in the world by going to Waif radio station web site www.waif883.org and click on listen live.

This should be a great night talking to Ralph Sonny Bargeer on the phone. I've already got some Greatful dead music cranked up in Sonny's honor. He loved Jerry and the early Dead.

By Anthony Castelli

For more information about Ralph Sonny Barger you could go to Wikepedia . But if you want the real truth about the man get to his web site  http://sonnybarger.com/index3.html and check out his books.

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