Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Former Cincinnati Red Motorcyclist Frank Pastore Dies Predicted His Death

Former Cincinnati red Frank Pastore died today. His death was a result of a motorcycle crash. So far authorities have been rather tightlipped about the multifaceted Christian radio personality. Only 55 years old Frank Psastore had lived a full life. Was it cut short by a careless driver or did Pastore's driving in the car pool lane contribute to it. 

Police officials reported that a gray Sonata was eastbound when the driver lost control aand went into the car pool lane and hit the Honda motorcycle driven by Pastore. pastore was thrown from his motorcycle.The car driver was not cited .

Pastore sufferred a major head injury and had beeen in a comma for several weeks. He had found religion and had a leading Christian talk show on the radio . A former Cincinnati reds pitcher Pastore had found Christianity and turned his life to God.

In talking about life after death on his radio show that night Pastore eerily predicted his own death. here is what he said on his radio show:

“I mean look, you guys know I ride a motorcycle don’t you? So, at any moment, especially with the idiot people who cross the diamond lane into my lane, alright, without any blinkers, not that I’m angry about it, but at any minute I could be spread out all over the 210 (Freeway), but that’s not me, that’s my body parts. That key distinction undergirds the entire Judeo-Christian worldview and also your pursuit of reality.”

Was This a Wrongful DeathA wrongful death is a death caused by someone's negligence. In Ohio such a claim is controlled by the wrongfull death statute.Rc 2525.01 et seq. However fault is determined by traffic codes and principles of negligence. At first glance it appears that the driver lost control and came into pastore's lane. This normally in Ohio would constitute negligence as a matter of law. But it is strange that reports have not indicated the woman was cited by police.. 


http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2125.01 Ohio Wrongful death statute

Attorney Anthony Castelli  is a Cincinnati Ohio personal injury lawyer .located at 8170 Corporate Park Drive #220,  Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 .He can be reached at 513-621-2345

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cincinnati Biker Misses Chance To Interview Hell's Angel Sonny Barger

Sonny Barger
                                                                                    Keep on reading because there's a good reason this occured. A little background first. I founded a radio show on www.waif883.org called Cincinnati Biker Life. I reached out to interview Ralph Sonny Barger about the book he wrote Dead in 5 Heartbeats on the radio show.
Actually it was to be an interview about the movie that was made from the book by independant filmmaker Jeff Santo. This movie just had its first screening a few weeks ago and I understand it was well received.

I emailed Sonny Barger's web site  and requested an interview. This would be via telephone call to the radio show. A week went by and I did not think I would hear anything. But I did. In the middle of a Wednesday afternoon Sonny's wife Zorana called me. I was shocked.

Sonny agreed to call in to be interviewed on the show set for December 6th , 2012. Although I did not get to speak to him in that call with Z, I could hear him speaking in the background. They wanted to contact Jeff Santo to make sure he would be included in the interview. Jeff sent me an email and the big day was on.

Sonny Barger

I started looking around the web for stuff about Sonny Barger, his life, his books, and the movie. You can find his facebook page. I think he's on google plus as well as the you tube channel where you can see a lot about the movie and some unrelated interviews of Sonny.

I also sent away for the book and voraciously read my autographed copy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a fun read . And I'm betting an even better movie. I learned a lot about Sonny Barger in the process. He's a peacemaker not a war maker. Jerry Garcia was one of his best friends. He was a veteran. He tried to help the returning Vets from vietnam. He's beaten thyroid and prostate cancer. He seems to have a peace about him and a genuine honesty. He quietly campaigns to save children from cigarettes.

What I found out about the man caused me to want ot find out more. So I was really looking forward to the interview. I pumped it up all over social media. My good buddy Jim Pierce even showed up excited for the opportunity to hear Sonny live and ask a question or two. My friend Jimmy Kay called and asked if I had it under control.

So at the appointed time 8:30 PM EST the phone rang. It was Jeff Santo, the filmmaker , producer, director of the movie Dead in 5 Hearbeats. I asked him if we should wait for Sonny out of respect. He said that Sonny's wife had been feeling sick that morning and that probably Sonny would not be calling. Wow what a disappointment. But Sonny was obviously taking care of Z and, as he puts it in his book, "The Last Love of His Life." He was doing exactly what he has done forever. Taking care of those he loves.

We had a great time talking to Jeff Santo and learning about the movie. Jeff in his own right is a very interesting and accopmlished man. You could tell his love for Sonny and I tried to get the how they met. It was a bit of a blur, but it's really none of my business , although he mentioned he had filmed Sonny for a documentary Jeff did.

As of writing this I have not heard how Z is doing . So hopefully everything will be okay. So I did not get to interview Sonny because he had to take care of something really important, Family. But I don't doubt one bit that I'll get a chanceto interview Sonny about hs book and movie. Maybe we will get some time to talk about the man. To find out who he really is. That would be nice.

    Treat me good I'll treat you better. Treat me bad I'll treat you worse.

These words are taken from Sonny's web site. Yeh I think I get that. Words to live by. Or die by. But so far under the most extreme of circumstances Sonny's made it 74 years. One of a kind that's for sure. A charismatic leader who leads by example.

By Anthony Castelli 
    Cincinnati, Ohio

More Resources and Articles about Sonnay Barger , his wonderful book and movie:

http://sonnybarger.com/index3.html Sonny Barger's Web Site

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCYrxGL0yp4 Interview ith Sonny Barger

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CVPpy2y3wY&feature=plcp Dead in Five Heart Beats Trailer

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cincinnati Biker Life To Interview Sonny Barger Hell's Angel

Sonny Barger will be interviewed on Cincinnati Biker Life this Thursday December 6, 2012, at 8:15 PM Yeh I'm talking about the Hell's Angel Sonny Barger. But my hope is that you will learn more about the man than just the Hell's Angel aspect of his life.

We are going to talk about his book Dead in 5 Hearbeats. I have an autographed copy. One of the coolest cover pages I have seen on a book.

More correctly we are going to talk about the movie that was made from the book. Filmmaker Jeff Santo, if I am correct, is or has put the final editing on the movie. (If the name is familiar his Daddy was Ron Santo Chicago cub allstar.)

So the interview is going to be focused on the writing of the book and the making of the film. So Sonny Barger the author. What a surprise to some. The biker community is full of surprises. They can be good ones if you get to know us.

I've talked at length to by good friend Jimmy Kay about Ralph Sonny Barger. Jimmy is embedded in the motorcycle community and knows more about the realities of the motorcycle community than just about anyone I know. He's the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back.

Jimmy is more thana bit smitten with Sonny Barger.  He tells me if Sonny says he will call the show that his word is his bond.  Jimmy talks about the autographed book he has from Sonny and the repect he has for him. If Jimmy says it's so, take it to the bank. Sonny apparently doesn't go out of his way to bother anybody. Why should he?

You can learn a lot about Sonny by going to his web site. You can also find the many books he has authored there and some cool merchandise. Sonny also has a facebook page and Jeff Santo has a youtube page that chronicles making the movie.

If you are inside the 275 outerbelt around cincinnati tune in to 88.3 FM But you can hear this interview anywhere in the world by going to Waif radio station web site www.waif883.org and click on listen live.

This should be a great night talking to Ralph Sonny Bargeer on the phone. I've already got some Greatful dead music cranked up in Sonny's honor. He loved Jerry and the early Dead.

By Anthony Castelli

For more information about Ralph Sonny Barger you could go to Wikepedia . But if you want the real truth about the man get to his web site  http://sonnybarger.com/index3.html and check out his books.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Lawyer Sees Danger in Australian Motorcycle Law

As a attorney that rides a motorcycle and associates with many biker groups such as the Iron Samaritans(see photo to the right at Bike blessing) and Chrome divas in Cincinnati Australia has me concerned. It seems that have a "motorcycle problem" and are enacting terrible laws against association to counteract it.

The Law Limits Bikers Rights to Associate with Each Other

The legislation would allow police to go to a judge and present evidence in private. The evidence would not have to be admissible in court. Nor would the judge need to give a reason that the organization was a criminal enterprise, one associating for criminal activity that affects public safety.

 If declared as a criminal organization a host of measures could be taken against them. Orders could be made to keep them from associating with other "controlled" members, going to banned locations, promoting for the organization.

The Public Even Though Not A Member Could Also Be Criminalized 

The law has even harsher possibilities for the public.Anyone that ignores a police warning for communicating with convicted criminals can face up to three years in jail. A disabled man was jailed for 9 months for habitually consorting with convicted offenders after a warning.

The Hells Angels Are Protecting Your Right to Be Free

Wayne Baffsky, who successfully challenged a similar enactment designed to dismantle the Hells Angels bikie club (that's what they call it in Australia) (Hi Mr Biker you look so cute on your bikie) expects to lodge an appeal this week on behalf of a man convicted under the law. 

Can This Happen in the United States 

It has already happened in the United states since 911. Maybe not the exact law but significant freedoms have been trampled upon in the name of national security. The Patriot act broadly expands the official definition of terrorism, so that many domestic groups that engage in non violent civil disobedience could very well find themselves labeled as terrorists. Take a close look at this airport body scan.
                         Body Scan Image Clearly Shows Man's Penis

For Further reading:

by Anthony Castelli Attorney motorcycle lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dead Motorcyclist Berated By Judge Lets Car Driver Off Easy

Cincinnati Ohio Motorcyclist Jason Claypool was killed by a hit and run driver Brittany Ison. Today she escaped jail time and the Judge blasted the dead motorcyclist. The prejudice against motorcyclists remains. 

When this motorcycle car crash was initially reported it went something like this:

       " The driver who Cincinnati police say hit and killed a motorcyclist then drove off appeared in court .
Police arrested Brittany Ison, 20, Monday and charged her with leaving the scene of a car accident, vehicular homicide and vehicular manslaughter. The incident happened on nbound 75 around 7:20 AM
Jason Claypool, 39, of Burlington, Ky., was operating a 2001 Suzuki motorcycle when his bike was struck from behind by a 1993 Honda Civic. The impact forced Claypool, who was not wearing a helmet, into a guard rail, according to police. The driver of the Civic, Brittany Ison, 20, did not stop after the crash and fled on northbound I-75. The driver did initially stop and tried to give CPR and then left."

However the Cincinnati Enquirer reported today that Judge Winkler said, "Jason Claypool was partially responsible for his death. The judge continued , "Nobody in his right senses would drive a motorcycle drunk. The driving conditions were deplorable. (It was raining.)

Claypool was on the way to work. His blood alchohol was .121 % No explanation was given as to where he was drinking or when. He was a single father of four. Now his children do not have a father.

It is apparent that Brittany Ison, just a 4 day licensed driver violated the assured clear distance statute. That to me was the cause of the auto bike crash that killed Mr Claypool. I do not advocate drinking and driving any motor vehicle. But I fail to see how driving in the rain without a helmet or the alchohol had anything to do with his death. 

One question also sticks out in my mind: Where is  Jason's Claypool's family civil attorney to counter the statements against the dead man.? Certainly a wrongful death lawsuit will be brought.  Although the prosecutor represents the State there are many things a civil attorney can do in regard to the criminal case to help the recovery in the civil lawsuit.

Resource on Motorcycle Accidents:

Facts about Motorcycle Accidents 

Anthony Castelli Attorney in Cincinnati has 30 years experience handling many personal injury claims, motorcycle accidents and wrongful death claims. Call him today for a free consultation

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cincinnati Biker Lawyer interviews Pat Savage on Cincinnati Biker Life www.Waif883.org

As a Cincinnati motorcycle rider and involved in the biker community I started a radio show called Cincinnati Biker Life on www.waif883.org. The show has been on for a year and a half. Lady CJ has capably taken over the bulk of the broadcasting. But you can still find me there the first Thursday of the month at 8PM.

Two Thursdays ago  I interviewed legendary biker and musician Pat Savage. What made it so cool was that right now he is in Thailand. so we hooked up a Google hangout and I ran my computer into the sound board. So although you could not see him you could hear him load and clear.

Pat Savage has been playing rock n roll and blues for many years. He's had some great  CD's and his latest Wind and Fire is no exception. My  favorite song is Born to Ride. But here's a bluesy video so you can see the man perform.

We had a great time and learned that he's going to have a biker travel show on TV though he could not disclose too much as it is in preproduction. Pat is truly a man for all seasons as you may know if you follow him on facebook. We learned that Pat will be in Cincinnati in 2013. Can't wait .

So you never know who will be dropping in live for an interview or who we can connect with by phone or on the internet. So every Thursday night at 8pm to 10 pm check out Cincinnati biker Life. you can tune us in locally at 88.3 FM . Or you can hear us over the internet .

By Anthony Castelli Attorney a Cincinnati biker lawyer . I'm always available to help the biker community with support or legal help. You can reach me at 513-621-2345 or find me broadcasting the first Thursday of the month . On the other Thursday's tune in to Lady CJ .

Monday, September 10, 2012

Motorcycle Safety From A Biker Lawyer Anthony Castelli

Many motorcycle riders can not ride worth a lick .They will end up as road kill if they don't learn to ride. Anthony Castelli Cincinnati lawyer has been campaigning for motorcycle safety. Too many motorcycle riders are getting killed because they do not know how to ride safely. By the same token too many motorcyle riders are getting killed because the public just does not give a damn.

Anthony wrote a book called the Ohio Motorcycle Bible - The Guide to Protecting Ohio motorcyclists and Their Families to educate motorcyclists about accident prevention as well as accident preparation. You need to be prepared if you go down because of a reckless cager. You need to be able to protect your rights against the myths and prejudices that motorcyclists face. 

Anthony is starting an affiliation with other biker lawyers across the nation to promote biker safety. The name of the group is Biker Lawyers United For Motorcycle Safety. The lawyers pledge to be active in promoting safety by writing articles , issuing press releases and providing safety kits to the public. Anthony includes in his Ohio Motorcycle Safety Kit the following: a watch for motorcycles bumper sticker, a tire gauge and his book for a limited time the Ohio Motorcycle Bible .

Anthony has asked one  of his motorcycle riding attorney  buddies, Michael Ehline to join with him in starting this group BLUFMS. Michael is an inactive marine from California and is all about bikers. He just recently produced a video about his firms close relationship to bikers from all walks of life. Click on the link above to watch the video. 

Also when the Ohio Motorcycle Bible came out Anthony was interviewed by icon in the motorcycle community Jimmy Kay of Two Wheel Thunder TV. They discussed how this book can benefit you by giving motorcycle safety tips as well as legal tips on what to do if someone injures you. So you can get healed financially in case of a serious injury. See the video below.

The Ohio Motorcycle Bible is the guide to protecting Ohio

motorcyclists & their families. 513-621-2345 Free Consult 

Also See our Pinterest Site of Cool Motorcycles and Tatoos

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Warren county, Ohio Motorcyclists Serious Injuries Apparent Drunk Driver

Two motorcyclists were seriously injured by what appears to be a drunk driver in warren
County, Ohio. According to the report of Cincinnati.com here are the details.

A motorcyclist and his passenger were seriously injured after a vehicle lost control and struck them Tuesday night in a crash authorities say is related to drugs or alcohol, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
Donnie Miler, 42, of Franklin, lost control his 1997 Toyota Camry about 9:10 p.m. as he drove westbound on Dayton Oxford Road in Warren County's Franklin Township, the patrol's Lebanon post said in a prepared statement.
The Camry ran left of center and slammed into an oncoming eastbound motorcycle before continuing and crashing into a tree.
The motorcyclist and his passenger were both ejected. The passenger, identified as Amy Woodward, 38, of Middletown, was flown by a medical helicopter to Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton with serious injuries.
The driver of the motorcycle, Walter Woodard Jr., 44, also of Middletown, was taken by ambulance to Atrium Medical Center in Middletown.

State troopers are still investigating the cause of the crash but say drugs or alcohol are involved. 

1. If you witnessed this please call the Ohio State Patrol. They do not always get the names of all witnesses. 
2. Driving impaired leads to these awful results. Please do not drink and drive. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney Gives Top Ten Reason To hire a Biker Lawyer

The general public has myths and prejudices about motorcycle riders. That's one of the reason's it is important to hire an attorney that rides a motorcycle if you have the unfortunate occasion to be hurt in a motorcycle wreck with a car driver that was at fault.

 Just look at the reporting of these accidents. The press always mentions the motorcycle rider did not wear a helmet. So what, that did not cause the accident.In Ohio if you have been riding a motorcycle for a year it is perfectly legal not to wear a helmet. This is not supposed to be admissible in evidence. So the issue needs to be faced squarely and firmly.

 There are many considerations that go into what lawyer you should hire if you are in a motorcycle accident. That is why I created this video with the link to the free ebook download top ten reasons to hire a motorcycle attorney that rides. So please take one minute to watch this video and then download the free ebook on the top ten reasons to hire a motorcycle accident attorney for your motorcycle accident serious injury claim.

 I do not mean to say that every lawyer that rides a motorcycle is capable of handling a serious motorcycle accident case. But if you find a great personal injury attorney and they ride a motorcycle then you have the best of both worlds.



                Free Ebook Download link   www MotorcycleAccident-Ohio.com

 Anthony Castelli Attorney motorcycle accident lawyer

 8170 Corporate Park Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45242


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK0ln11U3vI  (video link)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney Releases New video and Free ebook Download 10 great Reasons To hire a cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Your Serious Motorcycle Injury

If you are in a serious motorcycle accident in Cincinnati Ohio or any part of Ohio here is a resource
for you. First you need to decide if you want to hire a lawyer to help you or take a shot at getting ripped off by dealing without an attorney. Then you must detrmine what lawyer to hire for your motorcycle accident.

Hiring the wrong lawyer can be as bad , if not worse than battling on your own, in the dark with no ammunition.

Cincinnati motorcycle Heroes and Free Masons Finish the American Motorcycle Rally

Curtiss Belcher
Greater Cincinnati has motorcycle heroes galore and two of them just completed the American Motorcycle Rally. They are Curtiss Belcher and Bodhi Halsey. Former riders in the Hoka Hey, these members of the Free Masons Motorcycle club decided to ride in the inaugural Ohio Motorcycle Rally.

Here is how the ride was briefly described as what it was going to be:

The American Motocycle Rally™ will encompass a 7000 mile trek, around the United States, over nine days. The ride will not only test a rider’s stamina and endurance, but the mental capacity to follow directions and digest information during the event. Riders will encounter some of the most beautiful scenery in the world; from desert to vast mountain ranges, incredible coast lines, plateaus and scenic farmland that define the United States.

Biker Bodhi Halsey
This past Sturday the ride was completed. Everything went off as planned. This was amazing for a ride that was just planned starting a few short months ago.

 C&A Harley Davidson welcomed back the AMR riders with a celebration that was incredible! There were over 50 vendors in attendance, music, food a bike show and giveaways. The event started at 11am and concluded with the AMR awards and the 2012 Harley Davidson 883 Iron giveaway.

Frank Kelly took top honors and was crowned the 2012 AMR Champion by accumulating over fifty thousand points! Mike Fox and Shaun VanBeber finished 2nd and 3rd with both riders neck and neck going into the final leg of the event. Both riders over came mechanical issues to finish the event. All three riders received beautiful crystal trophies and bottles of Champaign.

AMR will be presenting a check to the Make It Fit Foundation and Nationwide Children's Hospital at the 6th annual Ride for Autism on Saturday July 28th. Please stay tuned as we help find a cure for Autism. This being the final step in our 1st annual American Motorcycle Rally all in the Brother Hood of Giving!

Resource: The American Motorcycle Rally

Both Curtiss Belcher and Bodhi Halsey finished the event which is amazing in itself.  I'm looking forward to hering them talk about their stories when I interview them this thursday July 5th at 8:30 on www.youtube.com/cincinnatibikerlife

Helpful links if you have been in a Cincinnati Ohio  Motorcycle Accident


10 great reasons to hire a motorcycle accident attorney

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cincinnati Events Breast Fest and Queen City Mods and Rockers rally

Cincinnati motorcycle event
The Cincinnati motorcycle community had a great weekend with two super events. Breast Fest of Cincinnati 2012 was a huge success as a charity ride for breast cancer . Some super cool people and motorcycles supporting a great charity.

Cancer is killing at an incredible rate. I just came back from a funeral of a 50 year old mother of three. It's so great to see the biker community rally against this dreaded disease. We will kick this mother in the butt. 

Here are just a few of the people that attended:

Check out their photos on Anthony Castelli Cincinnati personal injury Trial attorney