Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ohio Motorcycle Event To Beat Graves Disease Put on by One Brave Lady 2013

Cincinnati Ohio Motocycle Run and Party for Graves Disease
The second Annual Graves Disease Ride and Party will be held Saturday  August 17th at Rick's Tavern and Grill located on Boymel Drive in Fairfirld Ohio.(See flyer to left)

The driving force and organizer for the event is an amazing sweet and courageous young lady Jessica Gabbard. She knows fiirst hand the difficulties this diesease can bring as she has been battling it herself.

The diease can lead to death if undiagnoses and even when it is properly diagnosed there are still many difficult symptoms to fdeal with. Just one is the pushing of the eyeballs out in a noticeable protrubing fashion. but it's not only the appearance that becomes altered , but visio can be seriously affected.

What is Graves Disease

Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that leads to overactivity of the thyriod gland called hyperthyroidism. An autoimmune disorder is a condition that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys health body tissue.

Without treatment, Graves' disease can lead to heart problems, weak and brittle bones, and even death. “Thyroid storm” is a very rare, life-threatening condition that can occur if overactive thyroid is not treated. An acute stress, such as trauma, surgery, or infection, usually triggers it to occur. In pregnant women, untreated disease can threaten the mother and unborn baby's health.

The eyes are particularly vulnerable to Graves' eye disease, because the autoimmune attack often targets the eye muscles and connective tissue within the eye socket. This occurs because these tissues contain proteins that appear similar to the immune system as those of the thyroid gland. Ocular symptoms can range from mild to severe; but only 10-20% of patients have sight threatening disease. Another tissue that can also be involved in the immune attack of Graves' eye disease is the skin of the shins.

Symtoms referrable to the eyes can involve double vision, sensitivity to light , protruding eyes, pressure at the eye sockets and loss of vision. Other symptoms can be pain, fatigue, and muscle weakness to name a few .

About I million people contract graves disease each year. So there is a significant number of people with this diease. On such lady is Jessica Gabbard. I had the opportunity to interivew Jessica on a wide range of subjucets about herself, the disease and the event she started last year to raise money for Graves disease awareness. 

Pleaese take some time to listen to Jessica's interview. Learn how she turned ridicule and feeling sorry for herself to self confidence, happiness and hope and making the most of every day. 

Please be sure to mark Saturday August 17 on your calender to attend the bike rally and after party. This should be quite a shindig as Jessica loves to throw a party. You can bet there will be some son's of Anarchy gear to buy or win at auction as those are some of Jennifer's firends, along with her inspiration Jimmy Kay of Two Wheel Thunder TV.

By Anthony Castelli injury accident and motorcycle lawyer 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ohio Motorcycle Lawyer Promotes Biker Safety on Times Square

Ohio Motorcycle Attorney Anthony Castelli Promotes Accident Safety
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness month so Ohio Motorcycle Lawyer Anthony Castelli decided to promote motorcycle safety on Times Square. If you look close you can see the statement Watch For Motorcycles on the Reuters international news agency sign located on Times Square in the Big Apple.

The purpose of this month is to raise the awareness of anyone on the road driving a motor vehicle about how to prevent motorcycle accidents. This means that motorcycle riders as well as car drivers all have their part. It is important to know what are the major causes of motorcycle crashes so you can begin to practice prevention.

Causes of Fatal Single Motorcycle Crashes

In 2001 the federal government National Highway Traffic Safety administration released a comprehensive study of single vehicle fatal motorcycle crashes.(1) They found that most single motorcycle wrecks were associated with:

Alcohol use
Curves in the road 

This is my summary, but it appears that these three factors were of major influence. 60 percent of all fatal motorcycle drivers had alcohol in their system. See the Chart below.

60% of fatalities occurred on rural roads while negotiating a curve.

58% of fatalities of operators were associated with speeding

We are killing ourselves in record numbers due to booze, speed and inability to negotiate turns. This implicates conscious choice as well as poor driving ability. 

My Conclusion is don't drink and drive, don't speed, and learn how to take curves. Slow down before you get into the curve. Braking in a curve is a recipe for disaster, as is target fixation. Where you look is where that motorcycle will go.

Let's get our own house in order. Let's control what we can control. 

Causes of Motorcycle and other Vehicle Crashes

I do not even have to cite a source to know that these crashes are primarily caused by car driver inattention and not looking effectively. That's why we say Look Twice Save a Life and why I put on the Reuters international news agency sign Watch For Motorcycles. Failure to yield the right of way by the car driver was the cause of 35% of the fatalities. (2)

So everyone do your part. Please! Too many motorcyclists are dying. we all can do better.

1. Fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes.
2.  Fatal two vehicle motorcycle crashes

About the Author

Anthony Castelli is a personal injury lawyer with 30 years of experience in injury safety law. He rides a motorcycle and promotes motorcycle safety. He is the author of The Ohio Motorcycle Bible - The Guide to Protecting Ohio Motorcyclists and Their Families. He offers his Ohio motorcycle safety kit free to Ohio motorcycle residents. You can contact him at 1-800-447-6549. He handles personal injury claims and has represented many injured motorcycle riders to help them recover physically and financially.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ohio Motorcycle Freedom Ride 2013 News and Events for Bikers

The 4th annual Ohio Motorcyle Freedom Ride is jumping off Saturday May 18.2013. Bob Trost is the
driving force behind this motorcycle event . It starts at 9:00am registration and breakfast and kickstands up at 11AM . The event is starting and ending at My Brothers Place in Dayton Ohio.

This Dayton, Ohio motorcycle event is connected to 30 other states in honoring veterans.

What to Bring For Admission

This event is not asking for money to ride. Bob is asking that you bring new clothes such as socks, underwear , shirts in sizes large to double x. These will be donated directly to the veterans transition house in Dayton. So please bring some New Clothes To Donate.

Safety in Motorcycle Ride

This promises to be one of the safest group rides. Bob has the police all lined up in the various jurisdictions . The riders must ride staggered. He will handle blocking activities directly.

Have a Great Motorcycle Charity Ride 

This ride gets back to My Brothers Place about 6 PM. Then the fun continues with a live band. There will be some great barbecue served for dinner at a reasonable price. The ride is sponsored by the 
veterans brotherhood MC and general electric. Here is a link to the Ohio Freedom ride website.

Watch The Video of Bob Trost talking about the 2013 Ohio Motorcycle Freedom Ride 

This interview was done Thursday as part of the Ohio Motorcycle Life community on Google plus. Please join the community.

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