Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Lawyer Sees Danger in Australian Motorcycle Law

As a attorney that rides a motorcycle and associates with many biker groups such as the Iron Samaritans(see photo to the right at Bike blessing) and Chrome divas in Cincinnati Australia has me concerned. It seems that have a "motorcycle problem" and are enacting terrible laws against association to counteract it.

The Law Limits Bikers Rights to Associate with Each Other

The legislation would allow police to go to a judge and present evidence in private. The evidence would not have to be admissible in court. Nor would the judge need to give a reason that the organization was a criminal enterprise, one associating for criminal activity that affects public safety.

 If declared as a criminal organization a host of measures could be taken against them. Orders could be made to keep them from associating with other "controlled" members, going to banned locations, promoting for the organization.

The Public Even Though Not A Member Could Also Be Criminalized 

The law has even harsher possibilities for the public.Anyone that ignores a police warning for communicating with convicted criminals can face up to three years in jail. A disabled man was jailed for 9 months for habitually consorting with convicted offenders after a warning.

The Hells Angels Are Protecting Your Right to Be Free

Wayne Baffsky, who successfully challenged a similar enactment designed to dismantle the Hells Angels bikie club (that's what they call it in Australia) (Hi Mr Biker you look so cute on your bikie) expects to lodge an appeal this week on behalf of a man convicted under the law. 

Can This Happen in the United States 

It has already happened in the United states since 911. Maybe not the exact law but significant freedoms have been trampled upon in the name of national security. The Patriot act broadly expands the official definition of terrorism, so that many domestic groups that engage in non violent civil disobedience could very well find themselves labeled as terrorists. Take a close look at this airport body scan.
                         Body Scan Image Clearly Shows Man's Penis

For Further reading:

by Anthony Castelli Attorney motorcycle lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio


  1. Good post, Tony, although I would be curious for more details about what this law really is about.

  2. And, by the way, I don't care if some guy or gal who CANNOT EVEN SEE MY FACE sees my penis in the airport for security reasons. In fact, I don't care if they can see my face.

  3. I have been reading a lot about this motorcycle law in Australia because a lot of people have been buzzing about it. I still don't know what to think about, but I am just going to continue doing my own thing---riding motorcycles while wearing my helmet and my favorite pair of Kevlar Jeans.
