Sunday, May 30, 2010

Motorcycle Accident Safety tip Going thru Gravel

Going thru gravel can be hazardous to a motorcyclists' health. But sometimes you do not have any alternative. Here are some suggestions that should help to keep you upright.

The first thing to do is slow down before you get to the gravel . But be sure not to be on the brake when you hit the gravel.

Always approach the entry to gravel by heading straight into it; entering from a turn decreases traction. So make sure your font wheel is heading straight ahead.

Hold the knees around the tank as you enter – not in a “hang-on and ride” clutch but as a mechanism for stability. Let your knees work to keep your hips centered. Keep a light but firm grasp on the handlebars. If you can’t get away from a vice-like grip, try to keep your arms loose and flexible. The front wheel must have some play – not too much, but some – and if you don’t give it up, the wheel will take it anyway. The front wheel should do the negotiating, and it will “shimmy” just a bit, whether you like or not. Let it shimmy.

“Speed” on gravel is debated. Some experienced riders like a bit more speed. For most of us, too slow doesn’t work and too fast doesn’t work, either. Assume that “somewhat slow,” is better.

Braking techniques are the cause of most drops. Don’t use the front brake, in fact, don’t brake at all unless you must. In first gear, with no braking, there’s a much better chance of getting thru the gravel, upright and healthy.

Look where you want to go. Keep your head and eyes up - always. Looking down will take you down. Looking anywhere but where you want to go is a mistake.

by Cincinnati motorcycle accident attorney Anthony Castelli. For more information check out his Cincinnati personal injury accident blog

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Motorcycle Safety Tip Handling Turns

Turning in A Curve Safely

The first thing to do is to prepare yourself before the turn. That means make sure you are not taking the turn to fast and lightly tap brake before entering a turn so anyone behind you knows you are there. You surely do not want to brake while the front wheel is turned as this could cause you to loose stability.

Most instructors teach the outside inside outside method and roll on the throttle.
This means start on the outside of the turn, helps visibility, then go inside then finsh back outside. Here is a link to a great article in negotiating a curve.

by Cincinnati motorcycle Attorney Anthony Castelli. He invites you to call for a no cost consultation if you have been injured by the fault of another 1-800-447-6549. Or you can go to his web site for educational articles and videos about your rights if injured in Ohio