Saturday, December 12, 2009

Motorcycle Injury Accident Studies what do they Mean

There have been many motorcycle injury accident studies. They can be used to support or refute the use of a motorcycle helmet, depending on who is interpreting the study.

My take is that its clear that motorcycle helmets can lessen and prevent motorcycle injuries at certain speeds. At high speeds there is some concern that they can add to neck injuries.

Below are links to some of the studies. The hurt study gets the widest coverage.

Motorcycle accident in depth study

Motorcycle rider conspicuity and crash related injury

Traffic study Facts

The jonathon Goldstein study

1 comment:

  1. An increasing number of people are falling prey to motorcycle accidents. Most often, these injuries prove to be fatal. The impact of the injury is such that an accident victim finds it very difficult to recover. Indeed, injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident can be very traumatic. You can make a claim for motorcycle accident injury claim to recover losses suffered in a motorcycle accident. Initially, the process of making a claim may seem to be complicated. However, with appropriate guidance, you can make a claim easily. Make a claim the right way by making use of this service. You may be in need of money to pursue compensation at some stage. For more details visit us at injury claim.
