Friday, May 30, 2014

Breast Fest 2014 One of the Top Motorcycle Events in Cincinnati

Cincinnati has many great charitable motorcycle events and a top one is Breast Fest.This years Breast Fest is the 10th annual. It could have over a 1000 bikes participating. So mark Sunday June 1st, on you calender of motorcycle events to attend.

The proceeds of the ride are used to fight against breast cancer. The beneficiaries this year are the organization But breast cancer has a face to it. In fact many faces. There are two ladies that are going to be specific beneficiaries.

Melissa Morrison a 35 year old single mother of two toddlers is one person that will get some much needed assistance.  Her breast cancer was stage 3 and she had 6 rounds of chemo, 31 doses of radiation and 20 Herceptin treatments. In addition she has gone thru 6 surgeries.          

Also Angie Auel, a forty year old mother of three and a school teacher is the other specific beneficiary. In January 2012 she found out she had stage 4 cancer. 
She battles hard everyday.

The ride starts at the Holy Grail Banks 161 Joe Nuxall Way. Registration is at 10:30 and bikes depart at 12:30. The ride ends at McDogs Lakeside saloon 3611 Bevis Way. So even if you can not be in the ride you can come to Mcdogs and join in the festivities and reach into your pocket book to give to a great cause.

There will be live music by Randy Peak, Super Bad and Chuck Brisbin. The guest emcee will be from 96Rock. There will be plenty of food and fun.

History of Breast Fest Cincinnati

Kathy and Dam McCarthy started the  event in 2005. This was to help their daughter's friend  diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27. They have been organizing the event ever since.

For more information the web site to go to is

Here is a link to a photo album we took of last years motorcycle breast fest.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cincinnati Secret Biker Bar - Blue Note Yacht Club Is a Blast

Cincinnati's newest biker bar the Blue Note Yacht Club is not a secret anymore after its grand opening this Wednesday. Owner Doug Gundrum looks like he has got a new hit on his hands.

The Blue Note Yacht Club, with its outdoor bar and great barbecue from Walt's is nested back on River road with a great river view. The grand opening this Wednesday was blessed with  great weather and the band Prizoner, a motorcycle bar band and event staple.

I arrived early coming from a downtown Court appearance and got to spend some time with Doug Gundrum. I learned he owned the west side staple the Blue Note Club when he was 27 years old. And for over 20 years he shepherded a successful night spot featuring live music.

But as times changed Doug "relocated" down on River Road on a large lot that was like a forest. His vision was to build a great atmosphere for the biker community and anyone else that enjoys a beer or two, some barbecue, a river view and great music.

Judging by went down this Wednesday night it looks like he is going to have a huge success on his hands. You can tell the place has the atmosphere of his friendly demeanor. The bar was packed but not crowded. Currently it is only an out door venue. But Doug is working hard to create an inside bar and hopes to be ready when the cold weather comes around again.

Nicole Smith-Korman , former Chrome Dive and and now creator and founder of Throttle Girls turned me on to the fact that it was going to be a rockin good time as the grand opening of the Blue Note Yacht Club was featuring Prizoner and she was rounding up her crew and touting Doug's place as the newest biker bar.

It certainly did not disappoint. As a biker lawyer I love to embed myself in the biker community and try to show up with my Rock Star photographer, Kraig Haplea, to document the motorcycles, the bikers, and the atmosphere of the biker community. I think it goes a long way to dispel the myths about motorcyclists.

Everyone got along and even though it's a bar, it appeared that no one was even close to being drunk. It was a friendly relaxed atmosphere. One of the vendors selling jewelry, Colleen Meth, is a retired police officer.

To give you a taste of the action here are a few pics we took. BTW you can bet I'll be back a time or two. You can meet old friends and make new friends in a super relaxing laid back fun place on the River.

Doug Gundrum and Anthony Castelli


Ready -- May is Motorcycle Month and The Blue Note Yacht Club kicked it off with a great time. I highly recommend you come on down to Cincinnati's newest biker bar that's not a secret anymore.

By Anthony Castelli
Motorcycle Rights and Help

Breaking News Motorcyclist Killed in Car Crash

          WDTN news is reporting that a motorcyclist, Paul Estep in Preble County, Ohio was killed when a car went left of center crashing into him.

They describe the crash as happening near Eaton Ohio . Although the facts are sketchy the Ohio state highway patrol is investigating.

How the motorcycle car crash occurred

A car driven by an unnamed driver was heading North on State Route 122. In his direction there were some stopped motor vehicles. The operator of the automobile was not paying close enough attention or was traveling too fast and went left of center instead of gently stopping in his lane behind the stopped vehicles.

The motor vehicle crashed head on into Paul Estep who was riding his motorcycle in the opposite direction. Apparently Paul Estep never had a chance.


All to often careless drivers swerve left of center to avoid vehicles in their path. This creates a much greater chance of a deadly car crash. Terrible forces come into play when two motor vehicles heading in the same direction crash into each other. Why don't drivers just slam on their breaks and ride it out.

Or if they try an avoidance maneuver why not go to the right off the roadway. If that done I'm betting loss of life would have been prevented.

One thing I know things will never be the same for the family of Paul Estep. The insurance money they may collect for the wrongful death is of little solace. Families of motorcyclists are destroyed in a blink of an eye because of careless notorcyclists.

By Anthony Castelli Ohio personal injury and motorcycle accident lawyer . He wrote the book on protecting Ohio motorcyclists and their families. You can download the Ohio Motorcycle Bible at