That quick friends and acquaintences put together a motorcycle event with an emphasis on safety to raise funds for his medical bills and to raise the awareness of the motorcycle community as well as the motor vehicle (cagers) to watch out to prevent motorcycle crashes.
I had an opportunity to interview Tim Burke an avid motorcyclist, owner of his own software company, and president of the Cafe Racers Club. We sat down an did a google hangout to get the word out about the event coming up this Sunday. Tim's helping out with the event that got started by Nicole Lynn Knight-Howard.
They will stage form the Triumph motorcycle store from 9 to 11. Will go on a great ride. then they will end up at the Madison theatre in Oakley Ohio with food and beverage and many great bands and much more.
Watch this interview with Tim Burke to learn more about this super event.
Here is the facebok event page
Here is the web site to get some more specifics
By Anthony Castelli Public service announcement
PS For Some great safety tips and other videos about motorcycle stuff check out . Go there and Build a bike and email it to me at and I'll donate a dollar to the cause . Hopefully this will become an annual event to promote safety. Too many are hurt riding motorcycles everone needs to play their part. So build you best bike and send it to me and I'll contribute a dollar to this fun and safe event.