Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney Gives Top Ten Reason To hire a Biker Lawyer

The general public has myths and prejudices about motorcycle riders. That's one of the reason's it is important to hire an attorney that rides a motorcycle if you have the unfortunate occasion to be hurt in a motorcycle wreck with a car driver that was at fault.

 Just look at the reporting of these accidents. The press always mentions the motorcycle rider did not wear a helmet. So what, that did not cause the accident.In Ohio if you have been riding a motorcycle for a year it is perfectly legal not to wear a helmet. This is not supposed to be admissible in evidence. So the issue needs to be faced squarely and firmly.

 There are many considerations that go into what lawyer you should hire if you are in a motorcycle accident. That is why I created this video with the link to the free ebook download top ten reasons to hire a motorcycle attorney that rides. So please take one minute to watch this video and then download the free ebook on the top ten reasons to hire a motorcycle accident attorney for your motorcycle accident serious injury claim.

 I do not mean to say that every lawyer that rides a motorcycle is capable of handling a serious motorcycle accident case. But if you find a great personal injury attorney and they ride a motorcycle then you have the best of both worlds.



                Free Ebook Download link   www

 Anthony Castelli Attorney motorcycle accident lawyer

 8170 Corporate Park Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

 513-621-2345  (video link)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney Releases New video and Free ebook Download 10 great Reasons To hire a cincinnati Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Your Serious Motorcycle Injury

If you are in a serious motorcycle accident in Cincinnati Ohio or any part of Ohio here is a resource
for you. First you need to decide if you want to hire a lawyer to help you or take a shot at getting ripped off by dealing without an attorney. Then you must detrmine what lawyer to hire for your motorcycle accident.

Hiring the wrong lawyer can be as bad , if not worse than battling on your own, in the dark with no ammunition.

Cincinnati motorcycle Heroes and Free Masons Finish the American Motorcycle Rally

Curtiss Belcher
Greater Cincinnati has motorcycle heroes galore and two of them just completed the American Motorcycle Rally. They are Curtiss Belcher and Bodhi Halsey. Former riders in the Hoka Hey, these members of the Free Masons Motorcycle club decided to ride in the inaugural Ohio Motorcycle Rally.

Here is how the ride was briefly described as what it was going to be:

The American Motocycle Rally™ will encompass a 7000 mile trek, around the United States, over nine days. The ride will not only test a rider’s stamina and endurance, but the mental capacity to follow directions and digest information during the event. Riders will encounter some of the most beautiful scenery in the world; from desert to vast mountain ranges, incredible coast lines, plateaus and scenic farmland that define the United States.

Biker Bodhi Halsey
This past Sturday the ride was completed. Everything went off as planned. This was amazing for a ride that was just planned starting a few short months ago.

 C&A Harley Davidson welcomed back the AMR riders with a celebration that was incredible! There were over 50 vendors in attendance, music, food a bike show and giveaways. The event started at 11am and concluded with the AMR awards and the 2012 Harley Davidson 883 Iron giveaway.

Frank Kelly took top honors and was crowned the 2012 AMR Champion by accumulating over fifty thousand points! Mike Fox and Shaun VanBeber finished 2nd and 3rd with both riders neck and neck going into the final leg of the event. Both riders over came mechanical issues to finish the event. All three riders received beautiful crystal trophies and bottles of Champaign.

AMR will be presenting a check to the Make It Fit Foundation and Nationwide Children's Hospital at the 6th annual Ride for Autism on Saturday July 28th. Please stay tuned as we help find a cure for Autism. This being the final step in our 1st annual American Motorcycle Rally all in the Brother Hood of Giving!

Resource: The American Motorcycle Rally

Both Curtiss Belcher and Bodhi Halsey finished the event which is amazing in itself.  I'm looking forward to hering them talk about their stories when I interview them this thursday July 5th at 8:30 on

Helpful links if you have been in a Cincinnati Ohio  Motorcycle Accident

10 great reasons to hire a motorcycle accident attorney