Cincinnati Biker Lawyer Supports the Chrome divas |
The will be the beneficiary of the proceeds of this years golf outing. This is the fourth annual golf outing and is certain to be lots of fun. The event is Saturday April 28th at the Neumann golf course. This weekend is the cut off to sign up for the event . So you have about 48 hours to get in touch with the Cincinnati Chrome Divas . You can call 513-307-0642 to sign yourself or as many golfers as you have. You are welcome to call with your own foursome and ringers are welcome. The Divas would love to see one or two of the participants win the hole in one contest . One for a car and one for a motorcycle. Also they will have super prizes for closest to the pin, longest drive and the winning foursome. The swag bags everyone gets are worth the price of admission, just $75. This also includes lunch.
Come on out and support these great ladies. This will be a first class event raising funds for the Pink Ribbon Girls. All the money will go to help ladies that are fighting cancer and need a hand to watch the kids, clean the house , make the meals, all the things that a cancer fighter just doesn't have the strength to do. Hopefully someday we will find more and better cures for cancer, but for now the fight is being fought by these valiant ladies right here in Cincinnati Ohio.
Brought to you as a public service by Cincinnati Accident and Injury Lawyer Anthony Castelli. For more information call 621-2345