You get to mingle with all these stars. So bring your camera and something for them to autograph. That's why they are there. One of the celebrities was listed at Eric "the Bulldog" Deters. That got me to thinking since I have a radio show on called Cincinnati Biker Life on Thursday evening at 8, since I'm also a lawyer, that it was time for Eric Deters and myself to wrestle for charity. Especially if we could get Sean Casey to be the special referee.
So I threw down a challenge to Eric Deters on his facebook page. Here's what I said:
I challenge Eric Deters to a wrestling match at Autism Rocks 3.......Rockin for Autism with Sean Casey to be the special referee. Loser donates $250 to Cincinnati Center for Autism or has to leave town .Eric i'm a better lawyer, radio host and wrestler than you . Time to throw down Chihuahua I mean Bulldog. In fact I'll wrestle you and Bill Cunningham in a handicap match. it's for a great cause.
It did not take long for him to reply:
" My fighting days are over I'm becoming old and decrepit. Well so much for the bulldog.
I now turning my attention to Bill Cunningham. I'm not sure if Bill was invited or not but I'm daring him as I called out the Bulldog to wrestle me one round and if I lose I'll donate $250 to the Cincinnati center for autism.
Of course this is all for laughs and to publicize and support the Cincinnati Center For Autism . They are working miracles with these children everyday. What CCA does is not for laughs, it's for real. They allow these autistic children and theirr parents a much greater quality of life, by the hard work they do with these children.
I wrote this on this biker site because David Kahle , father of an autistic child is the organizer of this event and all around super guy and avid biker. Since we take care of our own lets take care of the Cincinnati Center for Autism and turn out february 12. it will be a great time.
Anthony Castelli attorney 8170 corporate Park Drive #220, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 513-621-2345 is a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer